Win*Vega is built with the notion of a transparency between Vedic astrology and the western methods., Since both astrologies are built exactly the same way with 12 signs and planets, aspects etc, this is possible. People used to deal with a round chartwheel can use it as well as people used to a square chart like in India. Look below for exemples of charts.
The only exception is that the Hindu module for now uses the square chart format. Also the techniques used in India, like Dashas and Vargas, are only on the Hindu module. Most of the western methods are also available on the Hindu module, though.
The chart below is that of the year 1939, April 13, set for the ancient center of the Earth. Note that this chart has Kala Sarpa Yoga, serpent Yoga, a not entirely wholesome combination. This World chart valid for the next 360 years had Kala Sarpa Yoga like the World chart for 2020 also had Kala Sarpa Yoga, and started in the midst of the cirus infection, while the 1939 chart started with World War 2.
Here the Sun, though exalted, sits in 6th house with Saturn, which is destroyed as ruler of the 4th house of home and land destruction, events happening to many countries in the coming world war..
Note that the following chart is seen in full screen on this site.
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This screen shows the Indian Module in North Indian (Diamond) format. The planets, signs and house numbers are shown (where they fall in a sign). At bottom is a listing of planets in zodiac, with their rulers, friendships, nakshatras, lords etc. Further right is a listing of the varga (not shown) with their friendships, Deities...
The wheel above is the occidental wheel in English format.
The North Indian chart is below
Upper let we see data fdor the chart with the Panchanga information, a listing of Dasa (amond 20 Dasas available)
This screen shows color coded 2 Dasas, the Simsottari and a version of Chara Dasa. There are 4 versions of Chara available in WinVega 9. On top is a line showing the Benefic and Malefic planets for this chart.
You can compute a chart of tertiary directions for anyone, in direct or converse mode.
This south Indian chart is from the varga collection of WinVega, which calculates more than 16 vargas with several important variations, like the reverse vargas made with reverse calculations on even signs..
WinVega calculates mundane charts, for any position in the zodiac. Thsi chart is made from 66:40, 6:40 in gemini, which is the beginning of Ardra and gives weather predictions for the year. Any Sankranti, or entry into a sign can be easily made with WinVega. Solar Returns, Varshaphala, and lune return charts can be made also.
The Hindu module is extremely powerful and holds a large number of features, like many vargas, many dashas both Parasari and Jaimini, aspects for all vargas etc